Nov 13, 2013

Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013

Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013

Although God created humans into two form; men and women, blessed them with everything almost equal and gave them equal rights but nothing in this world can change the fact that a woman after all odds and evens, has been created from the backbone of a man. Men are actually superior to women; this is a fact which can never be changed. Women are completely stunning and amazing but men are better than women in so many aspects of life, the biggest living proof which we have is that today the power of this world is in the hands of men, among the most of powerful people in world, almost all of them are men.
It is not easy for women to accept that man are better than them, even men too sometimes believe that women are better than them. Men are better than women because they have been created that way, men are always rough & tough because they are created to do all the labor work here and women on the other hand are the princess & queens, they are here in this world to lead a relaxed life. It is true that it is not possible for a woman to compete with men but it is also true that a man can never ever compete with a woman. A woman is sweet, calm, loving, caring, jealous, and gracious, hard working, beautiful and so many other things at the same time, men can never afford to have so many qualities in them. The role of women has always been prominent. Do you know the most vital reason behind the creation of woman? God created woman because a man is incomplete without her, everything in this world remains incomplete without women.
Women, you have been created to rule this world not to do the struggle work, arguing on the subject of the betterment of man and woman is the most foolish thing to do, men are better than women, denying it won’t work, it’s better to accept this fact, things would become stimulated & our lives would become easier. It does not matter if all the big discoveries are being made by men because they are doing all this hard work for women, so that we women would a life which is much more convenient, secure and comfortable. Rather than criticizing the men and arguing with them, we should salute them and thank them for all the work they have done for women. They are our caretaker, it does not matter if they are the kings of the state, and they still remain the humble servant of the women they love. The men who today have the most power in world, among them the top 10 most powerful men which in the world are:
10. Carlos slim helu:
carlos slim helu Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Carlos slim helu is a Mexican business tycoon, who has his own empire as well as he is an investor. He has many prominent Mexican companies under his umbrella, furthermore he is very much involved in the business world, holds many important positions in the business world. His father was a business magnate as well; Carlos himself started his business at a very early age of 12 and later took over his father’s business as well. This man was the richest man in world in the year 2010. He is civil engineer; he was a remarkable student who taught at the very same university he himself was studying. In today’s world, money is everything, fame, luck and power. This man has so much money that he can stimulate & manipulate anyone’s fate if he wishes for it.

9. David Cameron:
david cameron Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
David cameron is the current prime minister of the United Kingdom (England), he holds the office of the prime minister since 2005, but he has been involved in active as well as effective politics for many years. He is a descendant of King William and a very prominent member of the parliament; also he is the leader of the conservative party. All these positions which he holds signify the fact that he is indeed a very powerful man. Increasing his power is the army of England which is very devastating, and David cameron is the man who has the key to this army.
8. Xi JinPing:
Xi Jinping Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
China has one of the leading economies of world, most of the world’s factories are in china, many big countries such as America and Japan have placed their factories in china and china is doing most of the export throughout the world. Another thing to consider is that china has the world’s biggest army. China is doing most of the exports in all the spheres. The person who has the power to temper with all these things in Xi JinPing, he is current leader of the communist party of china, Vice president for people’s republic of china, and is about to become the next president of china.
7. Mario Draghi:
Mario Draghi Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Mario draghi is an Italian banker and economist; he was the governor of the bank of Italy and Italian executive director at the World Bank and is currently the president of European central bank. This man is said to have some connection with Jews, Jews however are the ones who have been manipulating with many nations. Mario draghi can bring a massive change in the face of earth if he intends to.
6. King Abdullah:
King Abdullah Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
King Abdullah is the one who holds the throne of Saudi Arabia since 2005. King Abdullah is a very powerful man firstly because of the massive amount of money he has, secondly Saudi Arabia exports most of the world’s oil, without which the stability of the system can stumble, king Abdullah if decides to cease the oil supply then the rest of the world will be in  deep trouble.
5. Ben bernake:
Ben Bernanke Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Ben Bernanke is titled as the greatest market maker, if he desires then can doom the entire economy. He is an American economist and is the chairman of the Federal Reserve at the central bank of America. America currently is ring master of world’s economy and he is the leading player. Furthermore, this man is a Jew, these days Jews have taken over the states, although America is the leading power but all of America’s money has been coming from the Jews, America however acts the way the Jews want them to. Ben Bernanke is a Jew with a lot of money, which signifies only one thing; power.
4. Pope Benedict:
pope benedict Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Pope is the most important person in Christianity; he is the leader of the Catholic Church, head of the Vatican City. This global leader ofCatholic Church holds the office of papacy. Pope has a lot of power and contact, the current pope is Pope Benedict who took over the office in 2005 but he is very much about to retire in few weeks.
3. Bill gates:
Bill Gates Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Everyone associated with computers & software is familiar with bill gates, he is an Inventor who laid down the foundation of the largest software company named Windows. He is business magnate as well as a programmer; apart from his own company he has shares in many other companies. He has remained the richest man in world for many years but recently this title has been taken over by someone else. But bill gate due to his remarkable inventions, business mind and fortune remains at the third position when it comes to power.
2. Vladimir Putin:
vldimir putin Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Vladimir Putin is the most powerful man in Russia; he has become the prime minister & president of Russia both twice and is still the president of Russia. Russia is very powerful when it comes to army and this man can do whatever he wishes to do with this magnificent army which is a great threat to the rest of the world.
1. Barrack Obama:
Barack Obama Top 10 Most Powerful Men in the World 2013
Barrack obama is the most powerful man at the moment because he is the current president of America; he has recently been elected as the president of America for the second time. America is the leading power and can temper with any country & America actually is tempering with many nations of world. America has power, army, money, technology and barrack obama is ring master. He has the future of not only America but of many other countries in his hands because the world’s economy is connected to America’s economy.

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