Nov 13, 2013

Ever got a visit from the Old Hag? A mysterious and frightening sleeping disorder

Ever got a visit from the Old Hag? A mysterious and frightening sleeping disorder

Old Hag' Syndrome is a terrifying sleep disorder that many people suffer from. Also known as 'sleep paralysis', sufferers often wake up in the middle of the night, unable to move or scream, but able to see, hear, feel and smell. It is often accompanied by strange smells, frightening sounds, apparitions of shadows or people, and a weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible. 
So what causes it? 

The root cause for old hag syndrome is still in the process of finding out. There has been no exact explanation of the phenomenon. It has been proposed that the affectation of the REM sleep is one of the causes. Surveys according to many countries pointed out that sleep paralysis is somehow a phenomenon experienced by individuals even once in their life. The following are the said triggering factors for an episode of old hag syndrome:

1. Narcolepsy: This is a chronic sleep problem that is defined as increased sleepiness. Those who suffer from narcolepsy have a short time of REM sleep compared to most of the population. It has been reported to trigger such syndrome as narcoleptics tend to suffer from muscular weakness.

2. Sleeping manner is also considered as a factor triggering old hag syndrome. Those who sleep in a supine position tend to be prone to such a condition.

3. Stress can also be pointed out as a precipitating factor most especially when one sleeps in a new environment abruptly. Lifestyle changes and alterations are also considered to trigger this syndrome.

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